We Did It! Google Removes ‘Make me Asian’ & ‘Make me Indian’ Apps!

18MR is very excited to announce that, as of this morning, the “Make Me Asian” and “Make Me Indian” apps get a 404 Error on Google Play!

18MR and Grumpy Cat just say OH HELL NO to racist apps! As of this morning, the “Make me Asian” and “Make me Indian” apps are gone, along with the developer’s profile!

Grumpy cat with the google app called Asian Maker.

Thanks to the efforts of our members and allies, these racist apps are no longer available on Google Play to perpetuate offensive portrayals of Asians and Native Americans. This victory is a step in the right direction to putting an end to the use of damaging racial stereotypes.

Along with our friend Peter Chin, a pastor in DC who was also compelled to take action on these apps, 18MR and our communities took an important stand against racism. As of today, there are over 10,500 signatures strong calling these apps out. Thank you for helping to send a clear message that there is a passionate community of people who believe there is no place for tools for racism in the Google Play store, or anywhere else.

We took on Google and racist apps together and won. You can help make this community even stronger by sharing this victory with a friend and asking them to join 18MR. So when the next time to stand together comes, we are all ready.

To help celebrate, we wanted to share a hilarious video about racial stereotyping from comedian Eliot Chang. Click here to view…and enjoy!

Active Campaigns

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