You’re invited to our upcoming workshop, Asian Americans Fighting Back Against Copaganda!

Join us to discuss how Asian Americans can fight back against police-generated propaganda, or as we call it, copaganda. What can we unpack about our various cultural views on policing? What is our stake in fighting back against harmful policing narratives?
We’ll explore #StopAsianHate, examples of copaganda predicated on anti-Blackness in the Asian American community, and ways for us to show up in solidarity through narrative interventions.
The workshop is two hours and is interactive, and is for those who identify as Asian American. Live captioning services and ASL interpretation will be provided.
This workshop is a continuation of an education series by MediaJustice called Copaganda Clapback designed specifically for Asian American communities in collaboration with 18 Million Rising, Xin Sheng Project, and the Asian American Disinformation Table at the Disinfo Defense League.