Reject Netanyahu, Reject Zionism

Green and red graphic textured graphic. Header text: “Reject Netanyahu, Reject Zionism”. Black and white image of Netanyahu’s eyes.

More than 9 months into the genocide, Congress displayed its complicity in war crimes by welcoming Israeli war criminal Netanyahu to D.C. on July 24, 2024. 

Netanyahu, leader of an apartheid state, has been the facilitator of the deaths and forced displacement of an estimated 186,000 Palestinians [1]. This is only possible with the ongoing support of the U.S. government via billions of dollars in weapons, military contracts, and aid sent directly to Israel. 

As the settler colonial project Israel infiltrates our communities with the racist, supremacist Zionist ideology, it also uses tactics for surveillance, systemic violence, and repression:

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a pro-Israel lobbying group that pays billions of dollars to politicians who are defenders of the apartheid state, weaving their Zionist agenda into city policies and contracts, including the erasure of the Palestinian genocide. [2].

Israel has a history of providing militarized support and training to local U.S. police, including in Atlanta where Stop Cop City protesters were met with deadly force and in Minneapolis where George Floyd was killed [3,4]. 

Graphic with teal and green background text. Header: “Reject the Normalization of Zionism”. Below green box black text: “By continuing to work with Israel, the U.S. normalizes increased police brutality, militarization, surveillance, and repression in addition to spending $3.8 billion a year on Israel. In April, the house approved $26 billion in additional emergency aid to Israel. These billions of taxpayer dollars could have been for keeping people sheltered fed and educated yet that money is funding a genocide with over 180,000 Palestinians killed thus far.” Bottom black and red image of Biden and Netanyahu. Black and red image of Netanyahu.

Over the past 9 months, millions of people – people of conscience from across race, gender, age; in the U.S., in Asia, Africa, Europe, and beyond, have taken to the streets to call for Palestinian liberation [6, 7].

  • A coalition of 7 labor unions representing 6 million people called on the Biden administration to “immediately halt all military aid to Israel” [8].
  • The International Court of Justice declared that any nation to support the illegal apartheid state of Israel violates international law [9]. 
  • 7 in 10 likely voters support the U.S. calling for a permanent ceasefire and a de-escalation of violence in Gaza. [10]
  • 52% of Americans believe the U.S. should stop sending weapons to Israel. [11]

 Graphic collage with text on the top and to the left reads “In our millions, we will not stop until Palestine is free.” is in white, over a red box, and green background, bordering the left and top sides of the slide. There is a collage next to it with a green outline. In the collage features: People holding multi-language protest signs and banners for a Free Palestine, some signs saying, “No Money for War and Genocide”, “Power to the People”, “Ceasefire”, “Nepal 2 Palestine!” and “Asians for a Liberated Palestine”. The left side of the collage also features effigies of Netanyahu, particularly one on fire, which is taken from the Palestinian Youth Movement.













Active Campaigns

  • Mostly green and black duotone graphic with keffiyeh patterns and a bird’s eye view photo of a mass protest. There is a photo of the Asians for a Liberated Palestine banner. Text reads: Solidarity with Palestine. End U.S. Aid to Israel. Mon 8/19 12pm, Union Park, Chicago. Sign up to join our contingent. Stop police crimes! Community control of the police now! Immigrant rights and legalization for all! Defend LGBTQIA+ and reproductive rights. Money for jobs, schools, healthcare, housing, and environment, not for war. Defend the right to unionize and strike. Justice, peace, and quality.

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