18MR EOY 2024

Hey there! As we close out 2024, we’re thankful to you for sticking around and organizing alongside us. 

And we’re thankful to you for continuing to mobilize and take action. From our efforts to keep our beloved community together to the struggle for Palestinian Liberation, we know you’re with us. 

As we head into 2025 and a new presidential administration, like you, we’re feeling all sorts of things: anxious, worried, afraid, rage. But we know that our communities have always been present for each other. We know that it’s the continual organizing efforts, the mutual aid work, and the people mobilizing that we can lean on. 

During this time of transition, we invite you to continue to share out our zines or even support our work with some merch. With the holiday season, consider redirecting funds from corporate interests, capitalism, and consumerism, into local, grassroots, organizing efforts. 

And a last note – our virtual office will be closed for our winter break December 16 until just past the new year. Our team will rest up, restore, and continue to organize on the ground.

Momentum and 18 Million Rising are collaborating to bring you Asian American Momentum! During this week-long training, we will develop the Asian American left. Come learn hybrid organizing skills, dig into campaign development, and develop base building tools while deepening our analysis of power, oppression and current issues. Learn more & apply hereHave questions? Join one of our Q&A sessions here.

We’re excited to welcome two new staff members at 18MR this past year, keeping our average team height to 5 feet 1 inches. 

Joining us is data nerd and resource strategist Allison. Allison is our Resource Mobilization Director, responsible for getting that coin and care! They bring a wealth of experience in baking delicious bread, creating top tier spreadsheets, and flipping the script from donor centrism to community centric fundraising. 

Our newest staff member is Van, National Field Manager and chili crisp hustler. Van makes the spiciest, tastiest chili crisp, is an excellent swimmer due to dragon boat mishaps, and a bad TV show lover. They are excited to build out our 18MR membership program and build deeper relationships with our members!

Welcome Allison and Van to 18MR!

This year, we… 

And for the first time, we piloted a membership program!

  • We launched a pilot program to build deeper relationships with 18MR members, getting to know them and creating a space for them to get to know each other. We processed difficult times without judgement, learned new tools to build up our own organizing, and got the chance to meet other partner organizations in person. 
  • Our staff got together to regroup and discuss this past year’s learnings and goals for the next year. And we’re excited to continue building!

2025 will be a new year for us – new staff, new programming, and ideas – and we’re excited to continue this work with you. Until next year. 

In warmth & solidarity,

Irma, Sharmin, Allison, Van, Brenda, Turner, Kari, & Leyen – the 18MR Team

Active Campaigns

  • Graphic with textured blue background. Header text reads: Stop HR 9495. Bit.ly/VOTENO9495. Body copy reads: This bill could be used to target groups working with Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and further marginalizing these communities. It also could be used to target nonprofits that oppose the choices of the executive branch, undermining the autonomy of civil society organizations.

    STOP HR 9495

    Last week showed us that 2025 will be a tough political climate for us. But a proposed bill could make our organizing almost impossible: HR 9495 that would allow the incoming Trump administration to target and destroy pro-Palestine non-profits by claiming that the orgs support terrorism. The bill is set to be voted on by […]
  • ID: Blue graphic with orange duotone photograph. Photo shows Hindu fascist leader Modi with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. There's another photo of Modi shaking hands with Donald Trump. Text reads: TATA BYE / BYE. New York Marathon: Drop TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) as a sponsor! Sign the petition: bit.ly/NYRR_DROPTATA. Join the Protest on Nov 3: bit.ly/marathonaction

    TATA India/Israel NYRR Campaign

    Follow SALAM for updates and indiaisrael.org for more information. We will update you in 2025! TATA India/Israel NYRR Campaign: DEMAND NYC MARATHON DROP TCS BLOOD MONEY! TATA BYEBYE 👋🏿👋🏾 UPDATE 11/4/24 Download our FREE ZINE for you to print out, fold and distribute to your community. Though the Marathon is over, we still must inform […]
  • Mostly green and black duotone graphic with keffiyeh patterns and a bird’s eye view photo of a mass protest. There is a photo of the Asians for a Liberated Palestine banner. Text reads: Solidarity with Palestine. End U.S. Aid to Israel. Mon 8/19 12pm, Union Park, Chicago. Sign up to join our contingent. bit.ly/18MR_MARCHDNC. Stop police crimes! Community control of the police now! Immigrant rights and legalization for all! Defend LGBTQIA+ and reproductive rights. Money for jobs, schools, healthcare, housing, and environment, not for war. Defend the right to unionize and strike. Justice, peace, and quality. Marchondnc2024.org.

    March on the DNC 2024

    This August, thousands of activists will join the National March on the DNC in Chicago to demand the Democratic Party fight for the rights and liberation of all peoples. This is the time for our movements to gather and demand more from our electeds, including demilitarization of Israel and end to weapons aid.  We know […]

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