18 Million Rising announces Irma Shauf-Bajar as Interim Executive Director

18 Million Rising is thrilled to announce Irma Shauf-Bajar (he/she/siya) as our Interim Executive Director. Irma is a Filipino queer grassroots community organizer, movement educator and trainer dedicated to building people power and resiliency in communities and movements toward liberation. With 15 years of grassroots community organizing work, Irma has worked to advance political organizing and power in immigrant, economic, racial justice, LGBTQ+, gender and social justice movements. A tireless advocate for coalition building, Irma has been at the forefront of building effective multi-racial and multi-sector coalitions on local, national, and international scales.

Outgoing Executive Director, Cayden Mak, says “I feel like it goes without saying that 18MR is in capable hands. Managing Director Irma Shauf-Bajar will take over as Interim Director for the time being. Laura, Bianca, Turner, sumi, and Charlene are the best team anyone could ask for to do this work – their commitment to the work is only exceeded by their commitment to caring for one another, a commitment to doing the work that is not just about doing a job, but about a life lived for justice. I’m proud of them and I am really excited to see where they go from here.”

Irma has over 20 years of experience as a leader, manager, and mentor in the non-for-profit sector. She brings consulting experience working with nonprofits, grassroots and social change organizations assisting them with strategic planning, leadership development, organizational change, facilitation/training, coaching and mediation services, all of which is rooted in a liberation-centered approach.

Irma is also the current National Chairperson of GABRIELA USA, an overseas chapter of GABRIELA Philippines working to advance the struggle of women in the overall movement for national liberation and genuine democracy in the Philippines.

Active Campaigns

  • Mostly green and black duotone graphic with keffiyeh patterns and a bird’s eye view photo of a mass protest. There is a photo of the Asians for a Liberated Palestine banner. Text reads: Solidarity with Palestine. End U.S. Aid to Israel. Mon 8/19 12pm, Union Park, Chicago. Sign up to join our contingent. bit.ly/18MR_MARCHDNC. Stop police crimes! Community control of the police now! Immigrant rights and legalization for all! Defend LGBTQIA+ and reproductive rights. Money for jobs, schools, healthcare, housing, and environment, not for war. Defend the right to unionize and strike. Justice, peace, and quality. Marchondnc2024.org.

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    This August, thousands of activists will join the National March on the DNC in Chicago to demand the Democratic Party fight for the rights and liberation of all peoples. This is the time for our movements to gather and demand more from our electeds, including demilitarization of Israel and end to weapons aid.  We know […]
  • Mostly green and black duotone graphic. Text reads Solidarity Fund for March on DNC 2024. Union Park, Chicago. Our community keeps us safe.

    March on DNC Solidarity Fund

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    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia!

    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia! 70+ Asian American and allied organizations tell The Asian American Foundation: Drop Jonathan Greenblatt! The ADL is NOT AN ALLY to Asian American communities, organizations, and movements.

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