Executive Director Cayden Mak is leaving 18 Million Rising after nine years of leadership

After nine years at 18 Million Rising, Executive Director Cayden Mak is leaving our organization. Cayden, thank you for your leadership and for all your contributions in building our Asian American political power over the internet. We are grateful for the vision and drive you have brought to our work and the larger Asian American movement.

The principles Cayden instilled in 18MR – experimentation, radical thought and action, and a commitment to the work and our people – will continue to live on in the organization’s next iteration.

The coming months at 18MR will be an intentional transformation process as we move in a new leadership direction. During this time we will deepen and strengthen as a team and with our partners, in pursuit of and in alignment with our principles and values. This leadership transition comes at an already transformational and exciting time for 18MR, as we’re grounding in what it means to be an abolitionist organization.

Every week, our team reflects on our shared vision: to build a more just and creative world where our experiences are affirmed, our leadership is valued, and all of us have the opportunity to thrive.

With gratitude, we celebrate the purpose, drive, and heart with which this organization strives to become your radical Asian American political home.

The 18MR team will continue to educate, organize and mobilize our communities and run programs within the organization as we always have: through our partnerships and in deep solidarity with a vast diversity of people and organizations: online and offline; international and hyperlocal.

In solidarity,

The 18 Million Rising Team

Active Campaigns

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