Mostly green and black duotone graphic. Text reads Solidarity Fund for March on DNC 2024. Union Park, Chicago. Our community keeps us safe.

This August, 18 Million Rising is leading a contingent of radical Asian American organizers in Chicago to join the National March on the DNC coalition.

We’re calling on our community to keep all of us safe on this journey by contributing to 18MR’s DNC Solidarity Fund.

Your donation will help cover expenses such as:

  • Two nights of lodging, three days of meals, and transportation for 10 lead organizers
  • Ground supplies including but not limited to medical kits, face masks, and water
  • A solidarity post-march dinner for 40 organizers (we’ll let folks know it’s community-sponsored!)

We encourage you to give within your means, and share the fund with folks who can’t be there, but want to support the mobilizations! Reach out to the resourced humans in your community, and let them know that you’re supporting a group of Asian American organizers to march on the DNC to call for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel.

Solidarity starts with us, and we hope you can make a donation today.

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