18MR Staff

Background is a collage of adults marching with signs that say, "Bring the troops home now" and "ceasefire now" at the top and the bottom is a wide shot of lots of people crowding a Grant Park statue. In large white text, "The whole world is watching." and in a red box, "All eyes are on the DNC in Chicago right now. Here’s what happened at the 1968 Chicago DNC as anti-Vietnam War activists faced down police and a political party that refused to hear their demands…"
Graphic with purple texture background. Black text box green header text: TAAF Dropped Greenblat but not the ADL Below text box: Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), is transitioning out of the Board of Directors of The Asian American Foundation (TAAF). Palestinian flags as kites placed around the graphic.
Green and red graphic textured graphic. Header text: “Reject Netanyahu, Reject Zionism”. Black and white image of Netanyahu’s eyes.