
Mostly green textured graphic with an illustration of a dark-skinned hand holding a red 1940s style house key. There are three of them staggered down. In the background is an overexposed photo of a crowd. Text reads: Al-Nakba: Resistance Until Return! Liberated Palestine Within Our Lifetime!
orange background with leaves, in white says, "OUR COMMUNITY IS OUR REMEDY". Below, an aqua ractangle with black text, "RSVP: BIT.LY/18MR_COMMUNITY". Then an orange tiger (hand drawn) rotate facing the Aqua rectangle, over drawings of South Asian Lotus, in orange and green. In purple on the center says, "May 30, 1pm pt/ 4pm et, "Learn how Asian Americans and Palestinians are building power through community care and cultural resistance." Below, in a green bow, white text says, "Featuring Speakers, Jen Soriano, Mawal Rashid, Spenta Kandawalla."

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