
Green cactus background with green text, " Queers for Palestine, Power Hour". In red, "Permanent Ceasefire Now!", in white, "BIT.LY/QUEERPOWERHOUR, Dec 5th, 12pm PT/ 3pm ET". in green below, "A gathering to call local and LGBTQIA+ electeds to demand a permanent ceasefire." Logos of Queer Crescent, Rising Majority, Lavender Phoenix, NQAPIA, Movement for Black Lives, 18MR.
A dark green graphic that says “Digital Security for Activists - Thurs, Nov 9 - 10 am PT/1 pm ET -” and “Stay safe online while taking action! Learn to protect yourself from online surveillance, attacks, and doxxing.” The graphic features a photo of protestors marching in the street and holding twin banners that say “CEASEFIRE.” The flyer includes the 18MR logo and the Asians for Palestine logo.