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News • November 23, 2023 • By 18MR StaffThis content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password:
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You’re invited to our upcoming workshop, Asian Americans Fighting Back Against Copaganda! Join us to discuss how Asian Americans can fight back against police-generated propaganda, or as we call it, copaganda. What can we unpack about our various cultural views on policing? What is our stake in fighting back against…
Join @18millionrising and @asianaaf, along with speakers Maisa Morrar from @palestinianfeministcollective and Rand, officially known as @officialjakegyllenhalal as we dive into a selection of film clips and discussion on Palestine, land, and liberation. This teach-in will include Mona Gazala’s short film “Closeness to the Land.” Asians for Palestine Film Teach-InWed,…