
Graphic with teal and purple textured background. Kites with the palestinian flag illustrations. Article screenshot from Convergence mag reads: “Wikipedia Banned the ADL. Why Hasn’t The Asian American Foundation? By Sharmin Hossain July 5, 2024” Image of a lion dance from a rally. Text box below: media update
Graphic with textured green background. Header text: From Asian American to Palestine: A Teach-In on Zionism, Empire, & Hindutva Green text box below July 25 4 - 5:30PM ET Green text box below: Featuring: Karamvir Bhatti, Asians for Palestine NYC, Nikhil Arur, Hindus for Human Rights, Sharmin Hossain, 18MR. White text box below: RSVP: BIT.LY/AA2PALI Image of a pro-palestine rally with Palestine flags and signs that read “Protect Rafah”. Bottom left logos of Asians 4 Palestine NYC, 18MR & Hindu’s for Human Rights.
Green staticky background with black bix in front of it, with a screenshot of an article that says, "The Asian Foundation's ADL Partnership is a betrayal to Asian American communities". In the article shows protesters with masks, holding signs, and a large banner that says "Drop Greenblatt, Stop Zionism & Islamophobia". On the top right corner in pink shows the Mondoweiss logo, on the top left, is the 18MR logo.

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