
purple texture background with diverse group of 5 people chanting. Green header text says "NO ARENA IN PHILLY CHINATOWN". Bottom has red block with white texts that says: "Philadelphia residents have been organizing to stop billionaires from developing an arena in the heart of our city."
ID: Pink monochrome header with images of Palestinian protesters. Maisa, founding member of the Palestinian Feminist Collective, is pictured in more color on the left side. She's wearing glasses and her hand is up, one finger pointed up. Text reads: Did you eat yet? With Maisa Morrar from Palestinian Feminist Collective.
Photo of a protest against the sending of funds to Israel in a green monochrome, Main text reads: The People's State of the Union. Body text reads: Thursday, March 7th at 6PM ET. IRL: Lafayette Square, Washington D.C. Sign up to join nationwide:

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